Thursday, December 26, 2019
Adding Commas to a Paragraph
This exercise offers practice in applying the rules for using commas effectively. Before attempting the exercise, you may find it helpful to review this article on comma usage. In the following paragraph, insert commas wherever you think they belong. (Try reading the paragraph aloud: at least in some cases, you should be able to hear where commas are needed.) When you are done, compare your work with the correctly punctuated version of the paragraph on page two. The Least Successful Car In 1957 Ford produced the car of the decade--the Edsel. Half of the models sold proved to be spectacularly defective. If lucky the proud owner of an Edsel could enjoy any or all of the following features: doors that wouldnt close hoods and trunks that wouldnt open batteries that went dead horns that stuck hubcaps that dropped off paint that peeled transmissions that seized up brakes that failed and push buttons that couldnt be pushed even with three people trying. In a stroke of marketing genius the Edsel one of the largest and most lavish cars ever built coincided with the rising public interest in economy cars. As Time magazine reported It was a classic case of the wrong car for the wrong market at the wrong time. Never popular to begin with the Edsel quickly became a national joke. One business writer at the time likened the cars sales graph to an extremely dangerous ski slope. He added that so far as he knew there was only one case of an Edsel ever being stolen. When you are done, compare your work with the correctly punctuated version of the paragraph below The Least Successful Car (Paragraph With Commas Restored) In 1957[,] Ford produced the car of the decade--the Edsel. Half of the models sold proved to be spectacularly defective. If lucky[,] the proud owner of an Edsel could enjoy any or all of the following features: doors that wouldnt close[,] hoods and trunks that wouldnt open[,] batteries that went dead[,] horns that stuck[,] hubcaps that dropped off[,] paint that peeled[,] transmissions that seized up[,] brakes that failed[,] and push buttons that couldnt be pushed even with three people trying. In a stroke of marketing genius[,] the Edsel[,] one of the largest and most lavish cars ever built[,] coincided with the rising public interest in economy cars. As Time magazine reported[,] It was a classic case of the wrong car for the wrong market at the wrong time. Never popular to begin with[,] the Edsel quickly became a national joke. One business writer at the time likened the cars sales graph to an extremely dangerous ski slope. He added that so far as he knew there was only one case of an Edsel ever being stolen.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Why Did The Holocaust End - 878 Words
Liberation of the Holocaust was a very joyful, yet devastating time period for the Jews and others that were under control of the Nazi forces. It was their release from a long imprisonment, but also the time that they realized that some of their most loved ones had not survived. The Jews went through excruciating pain during the time of the Holocaust. And proven by facts, many to most Jews did not make it to the end. The Holocaust, according to Merriam-Webster, is defined as, â€Å"the killing of millions of Jews and other people by the Nazis during World War 2†. I have learned much more about the Holocaust than I thought I would. Furthermore, liberation was a very important stage during/after the Holocaust, and it has some very good and interesting questions to ask about it. Some of these questions are, â€Å"Why did the Holocaust end? How did the Jews get liberated? Also, how were Jews evacuated from camps and ghettos?†. Why did the Holocaust end? The Jews we re liberated because the Soviets were invading, and in search to find Hitler, so Hitler committed suicide so nothing would happen to him when he was found. Hitler had killed himself by biting down on a cyanide capsule, which had poisoned him. He then put a pistol up to his head and pulled the trigger. He committed suicide with his wife, which had only been his wife for a few days. Unfortunately, Hitler had also killed his innocent dogs. Weber states that assassination was attempted on Hitler in 1944. He hadShow MoreRelatedMaus1211 Words  | 5 PagesPrimo Levi? 2. Why do you think Art Spiegelman draws the characters of his book as mice, cats, pig etc.? 3. Maus 4. What was Vladek like? 5. Vladek is an older person with a very prà ©cised in what he want and he son see this as being annoying. He feels you need to be aware of everything. He does not trust people specially his second wife Mala. He has hearth problems and he is diabetic. Sometime he used his sickness to his advantage. 6. During the Holocaust, he exhibited a spectacularRead MoreThe Genocide Of The Holocaust1313 Words  | 6 Pagesknown as the Holocaust. There are other genocides such as the Armenian or Darfur genocide, but the Holocaust is the one talked about and studied the most around the world today. Museums exist in Washington D.C, Los Angeles, and parts of Europe that focus primarily on this dark time in history. Vast amounts of books, movies, and documents concentrate on the Holocaust. Why is this chapter, between 1939 and 1945, discussed and examined? The answer lies within people who experienced the Holocaust such asRead MoreAdolf Hitler and The Holocaust: Why Do We Study the Holocaust?708 Words  | 3 PagesThe Holocaust was a tragic piece of the worlds history. It happened from 1933 to 1945, and it was a mass killing and discrimination against people of certain races. They started with the Nuremberg Laws when Hitler became the most powerful. Hitler was a strange man who blamed Jews for the fall of Germany. There are several reasons as to why we study the Holocaust, the most important is so we never face something like this again. Adolf Hitler was born in Austria but later on became a German soliderRead MoreJewish Responses to the Holocaust Essay614 Words  | 3 PagesJewish Responses to the Holocaust Some Jews believed that God had â€Å"abandoned†them during and after the Holocaust. They believed this because beliefs claim that a Covenant was made between the Jewish religion and God to make sure Jews would go to the promise land if they were to trust and obey the Lord God. If this were true then the Jews were being betrayed and God had broken the Covenant between them. I personally believe that God did not abandon the Jews and thatRead MoreThe Holocaust : The Most Inexplicable And Heinous Periods Of Modern Human History1450 Words  | 6 Pages The Holocaust is one of the most inexplicable and heinous periods of modern human history. Historians have spent years trying to understand why the perpetrators did what they did, and why the victims reacted in the ways that they did. For those who experienced it, the Holocaust was a time when very little made sense and lives were turned upside down and left looking nothing like they previously did. Despite studying the event for years, survivors and historians are still left bewildered at how suchRead MoreEssay on Literary Insperation of the Holocaust1664 Words  | 7 PagesLiterary Insperation of the Holocaust Why do the survivors of such a tragic event such as the Holocaust want to remember those horrifying times by writing about memories that most people would only want to forget? I will show, Weisel has talked about, and as others have written, that the victims of the holocaust wrote about their experiences not only to preserve the history of the event, but so that those who were not involved and those who did survive can understand what really happened.Read More Chronology of the Holocaust Essay1120 Words  | 5 Pages The holocaust was a bleak and unrecoverable part of the history of the twentieth century that will always be remembered. Millions died for no reason except for one man’s madness. Although many people know why this war happened many don’t know when and what events lead up to this: the way Hitler came into power, or when the first concentration camp was established, and what city it was in, why Jews were hated so much by Hitler, and why the rest of the country also hated them as well as, andRead MoreThe New York Times Coverage Of The Holocaust1480 Words  | 6 Pagestopic was on the New York Times coverage of the Holocaust. When first starting this report the idea of how the Holocaust was treated in the United States never truly came to mind. After doing a research project on it, the things that came up was some unbelievable stuff. The American reporting on the Holocaust was absolutely atrocious, in one of the biggest genocides in all of history, almost half of the American people didn’t even know about the Holocaust and still to this day most people don’t knowRead MoreSingling Out the Jewish People743 Words  | 3 Pagesnamed Adolf Hitler. For some reason Hitler hated the Jews, we see this in World War II with the Holocaust. The Holocaust started in 1933 when Hitler rose to power; he made a plan in 1941 which was to eradicate the whole Jewish population. Hitler called this plan the â€Å"Final Solution†(An Introductory History of The Holocaust). Why did Hitler and the Nazis single out the Jews for genocide? And in what ways did the Nazis single them out? Well first off, Hitler and the Nazis weren’t the first people toRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Night And The Movie 1564 Words  | 7 Pagesthrough major changes due to their experiences of the Holocaust, a period in history no man would want to envision. Schindler’s List is created to convey a different side for the tragic time in history, an ordinary businessman. This businessman, Oskar Schindler, wants to prove that there will be hope in this desperate time. However, the motive behind Night is different. In Night, the author Elie Wiesel aims to describe his experiences in the Holocaust to avoid the past from reoccurring. Hence, Night
Monday, December 9, 2019
Sop for Master Studies free essay sample
First degree as Bachelor (in related disciplines) qualifying for a professional career or a comparable course of studies of at least three years or a Diploma of a university. 2. Knowledge of English language proven by accepted certificates, i. e. TOEFL-test (at least 550 points paper test or 220 points computer test or 83 points internet-based), IELTS (minimum Band 6) or comparable tests or certificates about good performance in foreign countries. 3. Knowledge of German: A2 / Goethe Certificate (for non-German) 4. For Non-Eu-applicants: Graduate Record Examination (GRE); further information at www. re. org . 5. Curriculum vitae. 6. Statement of motivation. 7. Letter of recommendation from a university professor (for Non-Eu-applicants two letters of recommendation), preferably from the one who escorted you when writing your final paper. Online Application as well as Documents to be sent 2| FH Aachen – Uni. of applied Sciences (Julich)http://www. fh-aachen. de/hochschule/mast ers/zulassungsvoraussetzungen-und-bewerbungsformular-fuer-master-studiengaenge/M. Sc. Biomedical Engineerimg| 15th May| NO Tuition Fees| 4 Semesters| Only Online Application NO GRE TOEFL code 9023rd Chronological Resume Contact: [emailprotected] de [emailprotected] de 3| Martin Luther Uni. – Uni. Of Anhalthttp://www. emw. hs-anhalt. de/www/studieren/aufbaustudium/biomedical-engineering/program. htmlM. E. Biomedical Engineering| 15th July| NO Tuition Fees| 3 Semester| Documents to be Couriered Only – No online Application TOEFL CV Half page Contact Prof. Dr. Boris RomanusBracio [emailprotected] de 4| Uni. Of Applied Sciences Lubeckhttp://www. mt-master. com/en:application_admissionM. Sc. Biomedical Engineering| 1st May| NO Tuition Fees| 3 Semesters| * Apply through Uni. Assist FEES – 68 EUROS Contact: [emailprotected] de [emailprotected] de / [emailprotected] com TOEFL 5| Technical Uni. Of Munichhttp://portal. mytum. de/studium/studiengaenge_en/biomedical_computing_masterMaster in Biomedical Computing (BMC)| 31st May| 500 EUROS Tuition Fees| 4 Semesters| Online Application as well as Documents to be sent TOEFL Contact:  [emailprotected] de Contact for German Lang. requireme nt : [emailprotected] in. tum. de 6| Furtwangen University (Villingen-Schwenningen)http://www. hs-furtwangen. de/studiengaenge/fakultaet/mechanical-and-medical-engineering/biomedical-engineering-msc/service-kontakt. tmlM. Sc. Biomedical Engineering| 15th May| NO Tuition Fees| 3 Semester| TOEFL Online Application and Documents to be couriered. Contact: dan (at) hs-furtwangen. de [emailprotected] de 7| Uni. Of Tubingenhttp://www. uni-tuebingen. de/en/studium/verzeichnis-der-studiengaenge. html? tx_tokstudienfachverzeichnis_pi1%5BshowUid%5D=363amp;cHash=ba30f6bc3f7ad8596c6264029e3c39d6M. Sc. Biomedical Technologies| 15th June| NO Tuition Fees| 4 Semesters| TOEFL Online application as well as Documents to be sent. Contact: studentensekretariat [at]verwaltung. uni-tuebingen. e 8| University of Applied Science Munsterhttps://www. fh-muenster. de/studium/studiengaenge/index. php? studId=8#a2M. Sc. Biomedical Engineering| 15th July| NO Tuition FeesSemester Fees 216. 24 EURO / Semester| 4 Se mesters| TOEFL For application only Documents to be Couriered. No Online Application. Contact: 9| Rostock Universityhttp://www. uni-rostock. de/studium/studienangebot/a-z/ueberblick/biomedizinische-technik-master/M. Sc. Biomedical Engineering| 1st May –15th July| To be asked| 4 Semester| Apply through Uni. Assist Contact: heiner. [emailprotected] de
Monday, December 2, 2019
Teenage Dirtbag Essay Example
Teenage Dirtbag Essay Teenage Dirtbag is a song by Wheatus. The video is used in two ways: as a trailer for the film Loser and as a music video for Teenage Dirtbag. The song and accompanying video could be a partly autobiographical account of the lead vocalists (Brendan Brown) childhood because we can see in the video that he has a turned eye, making him different from his peers. He may have been bullied or excluded from certain social groups because of this. The director of both the music video and the film Loser is Jeff Gordon, of whom there are references to throughout the video. The music video is representative of what many high schools are like in the USA today.Making any video is complicated, and music video is no exception. Because it is shorter than a television programme or film, every shot is significant so it can portray its message effectively within the time given. The first stage to making a video is an idea or concept, and then the target audience has to be decided. The video and how infor mation and ideas are portrayed will vary a lot depending on the age of the viewers. Older generations prefer a stronger narrative, whilst conversely teenagers and younger children prefer more action.A variety of shots is used to give different effects in films; close up shots show emotion and mid shots show action. Extreme close ups are used to show a specific part of an object or to exclude the background. Long shots show the background and relative location of the subjects and are often used as establishing shots.There are many stereotypes employed in the video including that of a jock. They are often used as antagonists in films set in the USA. The traits of this subculture are: being good at sports (the word jock is sometimes considered synonymous with athlete); not being particularly intelligent; often perceived as getting preferential treatment due to their athletic ability and being very popular among girls and classmates of a similar clique. They are also portrayed to be des pised by non-jock boys as they are often seen being unpleasant to the geeks. This stereotypical relationship between two subcultures is clearly seen in the Teenage Dirtbag video: Noelles (Mena Suvari) boyfriend is constantly putting the protagonist (Jason Biggs) down because of his nerdish tendencies.A somewhat specialised shot in film is a top shot. This is when the camera is placed directly overhead the actor and may zoom out to give the idea of the subject being isolated. This shot is used in the beginning of Teenage Dirtbag as part of a clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ framing device used Jason Biggs (Jason Biggs) is seen falling asleep on some stairs, indicating that the whole of the following video is a dream. A ripple effect is used on the video to indicate that that it is a dream. Throughout the video, both the visual and audio narratives complement each other to portray the message and plot. The dream sequence is split into two parts the first represents reality and is a true representa tion of what we assume life is like for Biggs and the second is fantasy and what he would like his life to be like.In the opening scene Biggs is the riding a bike to school. He is the only one riding a bike as it is cars that hold a higher status among students in high schools and are often portrayed as attracting girls; they are owned by a stereotypical jock. Biggs is apparently unaware that he stands out, even though he is wearing three layers of shirts and a Fargo hat whilst other students are wearing thinner, lighter clothes due to the hot weather. We can clearly see that he stands out when he arrives at the bike rack to lock up his bike and there is only one other bike there a small pink bike that looks like it belongs to a small girl.As Biggs bends down to tie his laces, a car knocks over his bike. A low angle shot is used here to show that the car is bigger than the bike and therefore superior; it represents an allegorical link with the relationship between Jason Biggs and N oelles boyfriend. There is no complaint from Biggs; he simply looks on in mild shock as Noelle (Mena Suvari) steps out of the car. This shows he has no authority and respect from other students. At this point Wheatus start singing and introduce her as Noelle in the lyrics: Her name is Noelle; I have a dream about her.The band are then shown singing in the gym this associates them with the lyrics and they are therefore not isolated from the events in the video, but included in them when they sing I got gym class in half an hour. The gym is however empty at the beginning, further reinforcing the idea that the video could be autobiographical because Brendan Brown is alone with only his band. On the scoreboard the score shows that the home team is losing badly this displays the theme of the song and perhaps gives the message that losers never win.Point of view (POV) shots are used frequently in the Teenage Dirtbag video because we are seeing life through the eyes of the loser. We see through Biggs eyes that Suvari is moving gracefully. Effects have been added to the video to make her look almost angelic: a diffuse glow has been applied to make the whites appear brighter and it has been slowed down. Showing video in slow motion is a common technique used to make a shot look more romantic. Suvari also appears to be gliding forward rather than walking. She is not outwardly unpleasant to Biggs, but does not pay him any attention either. This is demonstrated with a wide shot of her walking past him and his bike on its side. The lyrics follow this: She doesnt know who I am, and she doesnt give a damn about me.The video then cuts to a mid shot of Wheatus playing the chorus in a school corridor surrounded by a crowd who are jumping to the music. The addition of people matches the change in volume and intensity of the music and so compliments the soundtrack. This shot sets the scene for the next sequence. Biggs struggles to walk up a spiral staircase against the flow of oncoming people he is the only one walking in the opposite direction. This shows that he is a social pariah and reinforces the theme that he is a loser. It also symbolises that everyone is against him and could be seen as a figurative link to the way he does not conform to the expectations and social rules of society (whether this is intentional or not). Members of the band are in this scene playing ordinary students. This is ironic because they are seen excluded in the opening scene and Brendan Brown is seen fitting in when he may once have been in the position of the loser. It is interesting to note a reference to the director here: a poster displaying the words Jeff Gordon is seen at this point.While he is walking against the flow of people in a corridor, Biggs smiles at people making the loser sign at him (making an L shape with the thumb and forefinger and placing it on the forehead). He smiles at them, either oblivious to the fact that they are mocking him which would furthe r perpetuate the stereotype that losers are naive and may believe people like them or that he is trying to shrug off attempts to put him down. A shot of the band reveals that the drummer is wearing a shirt that reads fantasy, reminding us that this sequence of events is a dream.There is a low angle shot of Noelles boyfriend, making him appear bigger and more powerful and perhaps menacing with his small gang of friends. In the Teenage Dirtbag music video he is often seen with a group of people while Biggs is always seen on his own. Jeff Gordon uses a common film device here we see a POV shot of Noelle looking apparently directly at Biggs, and he turns round to check if there is anyone behind him she is looking at. When he sees no one, he smiles back, assuming she is smiling at him. Noelles boyfriend then knocks Biggs down as he walks past. He does not make any effort to do this or go out of his way to push Biggs aside; Biggs falls over just as he walks past. This again shows that t he image of a loser is weak. There is a low angle shot of Biggs lying on the floor which is comparable to the low angle shot of the bike and the car at the beginning of the video. However, this shot is different in that the camera tracks away from Biggs to show that he is isolated in a large group of people.The next scene shows Biggs eating lunch at a table under a billboard which reads Loser. This could be considered a label for him, but one could argue that a literal label would be too obvious to portray any sort of message. It is also a reference to the film Loser which the music video is promoting. Biggs is reading a book, which is not considered cool because most people will be talking with their friends. The book represents his lack of friends. Noelle is shown standing with her boyfriend and his friends. This scene displays her dislike for his attitude and jock mentality, issues which are explored in much greater depth in the film Loser. One of her boyfriends friends throws so me rubbish at Biggs and they all find this amusing, except Noelle who walks off in disgust.This is a turning point in the video it marks the division between reality and fantasy. The final scene is set at a prom for which Wheatus is the band. Biggs sits at the loser table with two other social recluses and no girls. He wears a bright unfashionable suit in contrast to everyone else at the prom who is wearing dark stylish suits. Biggs takes off and throws down his bow tie onto the table in frustration. What follows is a series of point of view shots. Biggs sees Suvari gliding towards him holding two Iron Maiden tickets. Ironically, Wheatus sing This must be fake, which we know it is. We learn from the lyrics of the song and also by the fact that in one shot Biggs is wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt that he likes the band. We also get the impression that it is not cool to like them, hence why it is used in reference to him being a loser. Brendan Brown ventriloquises in a falsetto voice over Mena Suvari who is mouthing the words, which gives the effect that she is singing.She asks him to go to an Iron Maiden concert with Biggs and tells him that she is also a dirtbag. There is a close up shot of her putting the tickets on the table and then a series of mid shots of the two of them dancing. It obviously a fantasy at this point because it is highly unlikely that anyone would ask a loser to dance while having a popular boyfriend.When the song has finished and Biggs and Suvari are still dancing, there is top shot of them with the disco ball in the foreground. This becomes detached from the ceiling and falls towards Biggs head. Just as it is about to hit him, he wakes from his dream and finds himself back on the staircase with his school bag. The common belief and message in films that the loser gets the girl in the end is shattered because Biggs is still a loser and his dream has not affected how Noelle feels about Paul Tanneck: he is still a loser.
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