Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The politics of mass consumption in postwar America by Lizabeth Cohen, Essay
The legislative issues of mass utilization in after war America by Lizabeth Cohen, - Essay Example Clarify how the purchaser economy, society, and culture during the World War II time influenced ladies and African Americans and how industrialism in the wartime years gave chances to both of these gatherings to guarantee more prominent social and political force as â€Å"citizen customers. Not long after the World War II, the American organization had received an effectuate technique to reproduce their economy by advancing and extending mass utilization. The individuals who were in charge of issues took success of Americans, as an essential issue of their arrangement. In their contemplations, the interest driven economy give a chance to compelling recuperation as well as revived expectations in Americans for turning out to be a piece of a libertarian culture and to raise their heads being a genuine vote based country. Mass utilization gave American residents to live in a perfect circumstance than before with equivalent footings with the neighbors (Cohen, 64). The above move was not coincidental. It co relates with the recorded period of 60s and 70s. Around then, the broadened fragments of society involved African American beginning, ladies, grown-ups and the old residents started to evaluate themselves inside the ambit of personality legislative issues. Here, the people’s connection with explicit network characterized their social mindfulness and inspiration for a merged activity. On the off chance that we think back to the period of 60s, we find that those market supervisors, who neglected to react to the market requests as far as imaginative items, before long vanished. Mr. Haley, Vice President and corporate analyst properly brought up it is simpler to exploit showcase fragments stylish than to endeavor to make new ones (Cohen. 68) With the coming of new imaginative arrangements and the consummation of World War II, sizeable American Consumers became more acquainted with their privileges as an individual purchaser which was instrumental in advancing the summed up products. In his book Cohen brought mass utilization theory into four sections. In Part I, she extravagantly examined the Beginnings of the Postwar Consumers' Republic,†concerning 30s and 40s time, when an idea of resident customer was instituted that exudes from ladies and African-Americans. The said classes acknowledge it a lifestyle. They consider itâ to beâ a more secure and impartial commercial center. In the second part to be specific The Birth of a Consumers' Republic, wherein she explicitly talked about the job of Consumers? She hailed the enthusiasm of American country since they satisfied their commitments by advancing commercialization as a sheltered entry to financial balance and the political freedom. Cohen recognizes how purchaser related strategies helped the shoppers to guarantee as far as GI Bill and the duty code, which profited the white working class guys fragment incredibly at the expense of separating different partners with specific ref erence to ladies and the African Americans cause (Cohen, 85). She likewise talked about in her book the current hole between the guarantee and the truth concerning the privileges of Consumer, instrumental to light social liberties development. The expanding request of blacks for open convenience, stores, theaters and eateries against the scenery of dark access to house themselves in open settlement for example downtown stores, cinemas, and eateries can not be disregarded. Previously mentioned destinations of utilization, dominated by the privatized new advertisement roads that comes to surface in rural America. To some degree III entitled The Landscape of Mass Consumption, Cohen notified its perusers that how the rural America lined racial and pay lines as per the investigation of New Jersey State. For him rural shopping centers not slanted to embrace the model of urban midtowns. In the last piece of conversation that drives out from â€Å"The Political Culture of Mass Consumption, shows how the market pattern and the national governmental issues could adequately be managed the issues of support and disentanglement to adapt to after war patterns.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Good and Evil in Bless Me Ultima Essay
The aware of kids depends because of their environmental factors; their thoughts of good and shrewdness are the aftereffect of the ethical air they relax. In the novel Bless Me, Ultima the fundamental character Antonio is presented to acceptable and fiendish. He is youthful and never truly was presented to detestable since he is consistently home and safe away from it. Antonio is influenced by the activities of good and malice all through the book. The first run through Antonio experienced abhorrence was Lupito’s demise. â€Å"I turned and ran. The dull shadows of the stream wrapped me as a race for security home†¦The repulsiveness of murkiness had never been so finished as it was for me that night. †(pg. 22) Home is viewed as the most secure spot for Antonio. He realizes he will be support by Ultima or his mom and it’s the primary spot he considers going. Lupito is filling the role of insidiousness. That is the manner by which Antonio sees is on the grounds that all the men around are after him†I supplicated that he would tune in to Narcisco and that the furious and disappointed men on the scaffold would not submit moral sin†(pg. 21) Although Lupito is a piece of â€Å"evil†in the novel, Antonio doesn’t need anything to transpire. Antonio is strict and is the reason he doesn’t need anything to be finished. He doesn’t need the men to sin and accepts that God will excuse what Lupito did all things considered. The Second significant experience is when Florence passes on. â€Å"It was a warm day. I felt the perspiration cold all over and arms. The sun Glistened on the wide waters of the lake. †(pg. 239). Antonio realizes something isn't right when he sees different young men shouting and yelling. Now Antonio has gone up against insidious commonly however this is a significant occasion. After different events he has developed a considerable amount and is developing into understanding life somewhat more. â€Å"It is god who has trespassed against me! ’ his voice roared, and we fell back with dismay at the irreverence he expressed. †(pg. 213)Florence for some time is viewed as abhorrent. He was one of the individuals who in a manner debased the way Antonio thought and his convictions. Florence isn’t mindful he did such thing however Antonio remains steadfast with his religion. At the point when Florence kicks the bucket, he isn’t underhanded any longer. He is only a youngster that required assistance in directing him. The passing influences Antonio for a considerable length of time and Ultima consistently looks for a way I how to comfort him. The last experience in the entire novel is Ultima kicking the bucket. â€Å"Ultima-’ I needed to shout out, don’t pass on, Ultima. I needed to tear demise away from her and the owl. †(pg. 260) Since birth, Antonio is extremely connected to Ultima and the primary day he met her as a youngster she knows there would be something exceptional between them. Shanking her hand he too immediately realizes that there is something unexplainable. Ultima is the person who shows and aides him into whatever he has to know since nobody ever sets aside the effort to do as such. â€Å".. also, after mass we would take her body to the graveyard in Las Pasturas for entombment. In any case, all that would just be the function that was recommended by custom. Ultima was truly covered here. Today around evening time. †(pg. 262) Ultima is the acceptable who individuals cause her to appear to be malevolent. Others have a go at making Antonio accept that she isn’t a decent individual however him and his family knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that it isn’t valid. Tenorio is the Evil all through the book. His obstinacy doesn’t let anybody break through to him and gets others to imagine that Ultima isn’t great. At long last she is presented to everybody except there is nothing that should be possible since she has died. Antonio is crushed however has developed. There is nothing that should be possible. Great and malice stream all through the novel. Antonio is influenced by occasions that don’t fundamentally incorporate him. Lupito’s passing, Florence’s demise and Ultima’s demise all participated in evolving Antonio. He is a solid youngster that before is uninformed and wasn’t presented to occasions throughout everyday life.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Welcome Page Please Read Carefully COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Welcome Page Please Read Carefully COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog I want to pass on some important advice to applicants who are admitted to SIPA. In the admission letter you are provided with instructions on how to visit our Welcome Page. There is a hyperlink as well as a username and password listed in your admission letter that will give you entry to the Welcome Page. Why is the Welcome Page so important? Well, it provides answers to the most frequently asked questions newly admitted applicants typically have. We want you to be able to get answers and instructions quickly, hopefully without a lot of runaround. Lately many admitted applicants have been emailing us questions that are answered on the Welcome Page. Questions such as the following have recently been sent to our email accounts and information and specific email addresses are provided on the Welcome Page to put you on the right track: How do I register for the admitted student Open House? How do I apply for housing? When do I have to report to campus? How can I start my Visa application process? Is there any academic work you recommend I complete this summer? So please reference your admission letter and for the Welcome Page information and read it carefully . . . there is lots of good stuff there.
Welcome Page Please Read Carefully COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Welcome Page Please Read Carefully COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog I want to pass on some important advice to applicants who are admitted to SIPA. In the admission letter you are provided with instructions on how to visit our Welcome Page. There is a hyperlink as well as a username and password listed in your admission letter that will give you entry to the Welcome Page. Why is the Welcome Page so important? Well, it provides answers to the most frequently asked questions newly admitted applicants typically have. We want you to be able to get answers and instructions quickly, hopefully without a lot of runaround. Lately many admitted applicants have been emailing us questions that are answered on the Welcome Page. Questions such as the following have recently been sent to our email accounts and information and specific email addresses are provided on the Welcome Page to put you on the right track: How do I register for the admitted student Open House? How do I apply for housing? When do I have to report to campus? How can I start my Visa application process? Is there any academic work you recommend I complete this summer? So please reference your admission letter and for the Welcome Page information and read it carefully . . . there is lots of good stuff there.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Black Of The Super Bowl - 905 Words
Every year the Super Bowl is one of the most watched televised events. 2016 was no different according to Frank Palotta and Brian Stelter of CNN money, with an average of 111.9 million viewers and 115.5 million tuning in for the half time show headlining Coldplay while featuring Beyoncà © and Bruno Mars. Beyoncà © made her time on a stage count, spreading the message of the black lives matter movement. This was made clear in the iconic Black Panther berets worn by her background dancers, the dancing in an X formation in homage to Malcom X, and in raising a fist in the black power salute. This was met with a flurry of media sources calling out her performance as racist, as well as many defending this controversial performance as empowering. Beyoncà © is part of a movement of African Americans that are refusing the label society has placed on them and are creating a new representation for their race. The Black Panthers were a group that existed from 1966 to 1982 to combat police bru tality and empower African Americans. They did this through promotion and aiding in armed resistance. In their beginnings it was not uncommonly done through violent methods. Throughout the early seventies the group created a new ideology towards their resistance, opting for a less radical and violent approach. This movement did great things in advancing equality for African Americans, but it also created a negative image of black freedom fighters. The violence they had used had left a bad taste in theShow MoreRelatedThe Super Bowl- Human Trafficking1301 Words  | 6 Pagescountries are being kidnapped, bought and sold against their will, which are odious crimes in the 21st century. Therefore, Abolishing justice in the 21st century (A21) organization made a campaign poster â€Å"The Super Bowl- Human Trafficking†contains calculated information that The Super Bowl is known as the largest human trafficking incident in the United States. The notice contains an extemporaneous photo of a woman who runs through a tunnel towards the light. A21 organization strongly believes thereRead MoreA Reflection Paper On Uefa Champions League1112 Words  | 5 PagesJuventus from the Italian Seria A. On the other hand, the Super Bowl is the yearly championship game of the National Football League (NFL). It signifies that the regular season has ended and culminates in the award of the Super Bowl trophy. Both events bear several similarities as well as differences. The paper analyzes the 2017 UEFA Champions League Final and compares it to the Super Bowl. 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First there were the majestic beautiful horses on a horse ranch, and then there was this adorable playful Labrador retrieverRead MoreExpansion Of The Nfl Generations1293 Words  | 6 Pagescatch the game. Unlike in the past, there is a huge difference how the movie has improved yet more. The NFL games today have more camera angles and closer experience to catch the game. Just imaging and compared how older generations saw the games on black and white tv sets? Besides, the NFL games are now watching in high definition. There are also now NFL games that can be watched in 3-Dimisional. Unlike basic cable games, the 3-D games change the television experience, they make you feel like you areRead MoreEssay On Sports Sport1691 Words  | 7 PagesThe NBA has been gaining a ton of attention with its soap opera like off-season. Im here to remind folks which sports runs king in America as Im excited for the upcoming season. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Book Review Economy and State a Sociological Perspective...
Book Review: Economy and State: A Sociological Perspective Amanda Oha Liberty University Amanda Oha PPOG 502 Dr. Stewart 08/9/13 Book Review 2 Economy and State: A Sociological Perspective In the book, Economy and State, authors try to connect reader with the inner workings the state and it’s relation to the economy. Unlike most authors, Bandeji and Sowers do not argue for minimal government intervention in economic affairs, but they discuss the relationship of the state and the economy. They argue that the state and the economy forged many types of relationships, which may end in different results. Bandeji and Sowers started to explain this relationship between state and economy in two†¦show more content†¦The state gets involved to prevent economic crisis. Social rights state- the state focuses on the role of protection of its citizens and its social rights. Protectionist state- the state acts in a protective manner Socialist state- It is a mixed between a social rights and protectionist state. In this type of state it is a middle stage, where the government helps prevent the injustice of capitalism. When it comes to the notion of state embeddedness, Bandelji and Sowers posed five questions: How does the state shape the economy? What are the different kinds of state involvement in the economy? What combination of conditions produces a state parasitically feeds on the economy, predatory state? What combination promotes economic growth as a result of development state actions? What combinations help reduce poverty and inequality that help encourage strong welfare? This based upon these two relationships , the Sowers and Bandeji, brings into play how the relationship of state and economy plays into the economic concepts of property and money. The authors bring into play the role of labor and firms as well as development, globalization, and internationalism, which can also shape and have an effect on the relationship between state and economy. It also brings six different areas of interactions. The first is how the state interacts when it comes to property and property rights. The next oneShow MoreRelatedWar : What Is It Good For?1386 Words  | 6 PagesSean Younce Professor Pokas Sociology 101 24 Jun 2015 War: What is it Good for? The three major sociological perspectives have conflicting viewpoints about warfare. The three sociological perspectives provide different interpretations of war. The Structural Functionalists focus on how war unites different peoples as they must work together to survive, as well as how war in general protect the freedom of the masses. Conflict Theorists focus on how militarism runs the world, from creating warRead More Sociology of Racial and Cultural Groups Essay1431 Words  | 6 PagesThree sociological perspectives used in the study of minorities are: Structural functionalism, symbolic interactionalism and conflict theory. These perspectives offer theoretical paradigms for explaining how society influences people, taking into account the social factors that impact on human behavior. However, different theories, ideas, and prejudices can influence a sociologists conclusions. Each of these theories has a contribution to make with a distinct focus. Functional theoryRead MoreWhat Did C. Wright Mills Mean by the â€Å"Sociological Imagination†?2277 Words  | 10 PagesWhat did C. Wright Mills mean by the â€Å"sociological imagination†? C. Wright Mills has been defined by some as the pioneer of the new radical sociology that emerged in the 1950s, in which his book, The Sociological Imagination (1959), has played a crucial role (Restivo 1991, p.61). This essay will attempt to explain what the â€Å"sociological imagination†is, and why it has been important in the development of sociology over the last fifty to sixty years. In order to do this, it will firstly be essentialRead MoreEssay about Sociology1492 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican sociology is fundamentally analytical and empirical; it proposes to examine the way of life of individuals in the societies amp;#8230; prefers to explain institutions and structures in terms of the behavior of individuals and the goals, mental states, and motives which determine the behavior of members of various social groups (pg.5,Aron).; A specialization within Sociology is social stratification. This segment of sociology attempts to deal with the structures of any given society and onesRead MoreInfluence Of Cultural Values On Advertising Essay1124 Words  | 5 Pages Influence of Cultural Values in Advertising Name: Institution: Introduction Commercial products of multinational companies are being marketed to people from different cultures owing to an increased growth in the world economy (Lin, 2012). Samli (1995) states that in most cases, consumer attitudes are largely driven by the framework of their culture. Mooji points out that global marketing strategies are not culture-free and should not be because its influence on consumer behavior is profoundRead MoreThe Social Outcomes Of Digital Information Revolution Essay1562 Words  | 7 PagesAlthough, the digital information revolution is seen as the world’s biggest innovation, it has brought with itself positive and negatives outcomes. It has helped society but it has also damaged it. Within the context of the social theories and perspective studied in class, the outcomes of the digital information revolution support the social theories of greatest philosophers, and sociologists of all times: Karl Marx, Marx Weber and Georg Simmel. The social scientist, historian, philosopher and revolutionaryRead MoreWhy Did the Warsaw Pact Intervene in Czechoslovakia in 1968 but Not in Poland in 1980?1951 Words  | 8 Pagesprogramme focused on the â€Å"relaxation of central control over the economy, virtual abolition of censorship, religious reforms and an increase in the independence of parliament†. With the introduction of these liberal reforms the Soviet Union began to feel that the country was distancing itself from the ideological values of communism, and feared that the liberal reforms would pose a spill over effect onto other Eastern European states bound within the Warsaw Pact. However Dubcek himself was unawareRead MoreCorruption in Bangladesh4749 Words  | 19 PagesTable of contents 1. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2 2. Importance of this study†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4 3. Literature review†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...5 4. Methodology†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.7 5. Findings†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..8 6. Elimination†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..15 7. Impact†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦18 8. Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦20 9. Reference†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..23 Introduction Corruption is a topic of interest and concern in academic circles, in the media, among people of different professions, within the civilRead MoreSignificance of Shays Rebellion1575 Words  | 7 PagesThe Significance of Shays’s Rebellion Pakanun Ou-Udomying (Ploi) United States History Mr. Coulombe Kent School December 10, 2012 The outrageous American Revolution War left a lot of scars and bruises that had major affects on the country. On August 29, 1786 in Massachusetts, a rebellion broke out as one of the results that came after the war. This rebellion was led by a veteran from the American Revolutionary War, Daniel Shays, which was why this significant rebellion is called Shays’sRead MoreResearch Proposal: Depression in Children Adolescence - A Cause for Concern?3274 Words  | 14 Pagesof this social concern is also of great value to the research of this study as I intend on finding out why are our children and adolescents depressed? When carrying out research I found many books on the treatment for depression, with a lack about meanings behind it. I intend on investigating the sociological aspects concerned with depression in children and adolescent so that society can begin to understand more of the reality of its existence. Western societys ideas about childhood and child rearing
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Methods of Interrogation Pows Free Essays
METHODS OF INTERROGATION OF A PRISONER OF WAR Introduction 1. A ‘Prisoner of War’ is a person, whether combatant or non-combatant, who is held in custody by an enemy power during or immediately after an armed conflict. The treatment of prisoners has always been matter of debate in the world and many declarations and resolutions have been made in this regard including Geneva Convention of 1949. We will write a custom essay sample on Methods of Interrogation Pows or any similar topic only for you Order Now War is a time of confusion and while many suffer from it, there are many who benefit in the fog of it. The military personnel, whenever caught, have to be treated as PsOW and they have certain rights and privileges. The enemy always utilizes this opportunity to the fullest and employs certain obvious and hidden methods to extract information from the PsOW. Rights of a POW 2. The POW can only be interrogated by following the rules and regulations laid down in the Article (v) of Geneva Convention of 1949. A prisoner of war needs only to give his name, number and rank and must remain silent on all other matters and resist all enemy efforts to extract information from him. In case his rights are violated, the violators are subject to the provisions of international law and they may be tried by the international criminal court. Methods of Interrogation 3. A number of interrogation techniques have been used of approved for use. They include standard Army methods in compliance with the Third Geneva Convention, as well as other approaches which are either questionable or clearly exceed the strictures protecting POWs. Several of the latter may also violate other limitations outside the scope of human imagination. 4. Numerous devices may be effectively employed by the interrogator to establish mental contact or rapport with POW. At the outset it should be emphasized that the objective of an interrogation is seldom, if ever, to obtain an admission or a confession. The subject is interrogated for accurate and reliable information. Several common methods interrogation which are being used for the purpose by interrogators are briefly discussed below. (a)Show of Knowledge or â€Å"We know all†. In this method, the interrogator familiarizes himself with all available data on the POW and his unit or whatever subject is being explored. He asks questions to which he already has the answers and scornfully answers them himself when the POW hesitates. He is striving to convince the POW that he already knows all the POW does so that resistance is wasted effort. When the prisoner starts giving correct information and answers freely, a few â€Å"mystery†questions can be slipped in. Dummy questions should still be used from time to time to test the POW, to conceal from him the fact that he is giving new information, and to prevent him from realizing that he is â€Å"spilling the beans†. (b)Stool Pigeons. Enemies infiltrate their own men in the POW camps under the garb of PsOW from other units or services. They make PsOW discuss various aspects of service amongst themselves and extract information. (c)Consolation. Innocent looking folks like servants, guards, sweepers try to console the PsOW offer small favour and then make efforts to get the required information. (d)Bugging. The camps and residences etc of PsOW are bugged and their conversation taped. (e)Favours. Money and other Favours are offered and assurances given that no damage will be done to the individual, if he cooperates. (f)Recruitment. A few PsOW are recruited and then utilized for collection of information from other PsOW. (g)Direct approach. In this method the interrogator seemingly â€Å"lays the cards on the table†, apparently makes no attempt to hide the purpose of the questioning. This approach should be used only in cases where the interrogator assumes or knows that the person interrogated will not refuse to give information. (h)Rapid fire questioning. This method consists of a rapidly delivered series of questions which keeps the POW constantly on the defensive and off balance thereby weakening resistance an/ or his determination to give evasive answers. When this approach is employed the POW often loses patience, becomes angry, offended, or confused, and begins to talk in self defense. (j)Emotional approach. This method consists of playing upon the emotions of a person in order to bring out the required information. When using this method, the interrogator creates an atmosphere of emotional confusion designed to reduce security consciousness. The emotional approach utilizes hate, revenge, fear, jealousy, sadness, pity, and similar emotions. It also exploits religious and patriotic feelings, sense of social duty, and other concepts based on emotional reactions. (k)Trickery. This method has an almost limitless number of variations. Its purpose is to cause the POW to divulge information without being aware of it, or without a conscious or willful choice in the matter. (l)Censoring. The mail of PsOW is censored. (m)Third Degree Methods. Third degree methods are used to break the PsOW. It is apparent from above that once captured as prisoner of war, the responsibility of a service person increases many folds and he must keep his mouth tightly shut to ensure that no information is leaked out. However, he must look normal and should not give impression of being in possession of full information. (n)Propaganda. The PsOW are given propaganda material to read, to hear from radio or from the TV to see to break them down and lower their spirits. This is done to bring their morale down to a certain level where they themselves will start giving information thinking their country might or already has lost the war. (p)Stupid interrogator. In this method the interrogator pretends to be a stupid individual with very little understanding of military or other matters. This device may have the desired effect of disarming the person interrogated. The POW is required to â€Å"explain†everything (Even inconsequential items) because the interrogator is so â€Å"stupid. †5. Variations. Any of the usual methods may be varied in many ways. Here are some variations which might fit into any of the categories of the methods listed in Para 4above. (a)Sympathy. (b)Sternness. (c)Pride and ego. (d)National pride. (e)Face saving. (f)Bluff. (g)Fear. (h)Drawing attention away from the real object. (j)Threat and rescue. Conclusion 6. There are many others; in fact, the variety of methods is limited only by the initiative, imagination, and ingenuity of the interrogator. The interrogation method should be tailored to suit each individual case, and may be combined with other methods to suit special requirements. How to cite Methods of Interrogation Pows, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Aztec Sacrafice 12 Pg Paper Essay Research free essay sample
Aztec Sacrafice: 12 Pg. Paper Essay, Research Paper Aztec Sacrifice The Aztec s faith consisted of many Gods, including Uitzilopochtli ( the Sun God ) , Coyolxauhqui ( the Moon goddess ) , Tlaloc ( the rain God ) , and Quetzalcoatl ( discoverer of authorship and the calendar, who was besides associated with Resurrection ) ( AC ) . The Gods were most frequently fed captured soldiers or slaves through forfeit. One reported happening was that the priests would purchase babes and little kids for more particular forfeits, to Tlaloc, who was seemingly fond of the sound of shouting kids. When the Great Temple was built, it was dedicated to Huitzilopochtli, and to honour him the Aztecs performed a sacrificial rite neer attempted before: mass forfeit. This would go the greatest forfeit of worlds in all of Mexico, and rather perchance the universe ( Frederiksen ) . They felt the demand to something as an offering to Huitzilopochtli, for the intent of him replying their supplications and besides to recover his regard. As an offering, they gave blood, which sustained life. These Acts of the Apostless of the Aztecs, every bit good as their fellow antediluvian civilisations, went down in history as some of the most bloodstained yet intriguing methods of worship of all time performed. An Aztec narrative told of two Gods who stepped frontward to offer themselves. The first was the chesty Tecuciztecatl ( Godhead of the conch shells ) , and the second was the modest Nanahuatzin ( intending purulent or pustuled one ) ( Leon-Portilla, 15 ) . The ritual called for the usage of fir tree acerate leafs for pulling blood, before they would each hold the opportunity to project themselves into a immense fire, merely to emerge as the Sun. However, Tecuciztecatl was content in merely offering up spinal columns made of coral, while Nanahuatzin bled himself abundantly with the acerate leafs, and offered up reliable fir subdivisions and crisp Agave atrovirens acerate leafs ( 15 ) . When the clip came to run into the fire, Tecuciztecatl was the first to travel. He made four efforts, but was excessively afraid. This resulted in him losing to chance to project himself into the fire. Following, Nanahuatzin closed his eyes and rushed into the fire while all the Gods gathered in Teotihu acan to watch. Tecuciztecatl so urgently hurled himself into the fire every bit good, but it was excessively late. As Nanahuatzin rose as the Sun, Tecuciztecatl rose as the picket Moon ( 15 ) . The Gods freely accepted decease, and they sacrificed themselves so the Sun would travel and life would be possible for humanity. One God, Quetzalcoatl bled himself over the castanetss of the dead, in order to reconstruct life on Earth, and to maintain clip divided into the twenty-four hours and dark ( 17 ) . The Gods were besides required to give themselves, so that the Sun would go on to travel across the sky. Quetzalcoatl performed the forfeits, cutting open the thorax of the Gods and taking their Black Marias for Tonatiuh. As a consequence, the Sun would presume its right way across the sky. Because the Gods performed these rites, the Aztecs believed they should make the same ( Smith, 208 ) . Human forfeit became really of import to the Aztec in the 15th century. For warriors, the ultimate award was to either be slain in conflict or to volunteer for forfeit in a major rite ( AC ) . For the less of import rites, captives would be used as victims. For the intent of avoiding any sort of cosmic catastrophe, the Aztec priests would give 1000s of victims. The priests were a sight themselves. They had long, unkempt hair, which was clotted with dried blood and shredded ears and genital organs. They were frequently painted black, and wore an ankle-length black or dark green robe ( Frederiksen ) . These robes could be decorated with human castanetss and skulls, their organic structures covered with burned powdery Scorpios and spiders ( Frederiksen ) . The Flower Wars took topographic point as a method of capturing victims for forfeit. By 1487 the usage was more established, the twelvemonth the Great Temple was dedicated to Huitzilopochtli. To tag the juncture, twenty 1000 captives were sacrificed. The male monarchs of Tenochtitlan and Texcoco initiated the violent death, and the priests continued it for four yearss. The prisoners stood in four separate lines, which stretched for two stat mis throughout the streets of the metropolis ( Frederiksen ) . Some faiths looked on Aztec forfeit as action inspired by the Satan. However, the Aztecs merely saw it as the lone manner to avoid decease of the Sun, which would ensue in the decease of humanity. So they provided Huitzilopochtli with the critical energy enclosed in chalchiuhatl or the cherished liquid, besides know as blood ( Leon-Portilla, 17 ) . For the God Xipe Totec, who was associated with springtime, the perished captives would be flayed, and the winning warriors wore their tegu ments for a 20 twenty-four hours period ( Time-Life, 86 ) . Although human forfeit was of import to most Mesoamerican civilizations, its importance to them was nil compared to that of the Aztecs. The Aztecs even beheaded a quail each twenty-four hours to toast the lifting Sun ( 100 ) . One manner for Aztec merchandisers to turn out themselves, and to make a societal position for themselves was to first purchase an attractive slave. Following, they bathe the slave and frock him/her in beautiful dress ( 108 ) . After ask foring friends over, the slave would dance for the proprietor and his invitees. After dancing, the slave would be turned over to the priests, who would cut out the bosom and offer it up to the Gods. The remains of the slave would so be served to the proprietor and his invitees over cooked corn ( 108 ) . However, because after the forfeit the victim s limbs are considered Godhead, they were eaten with fear, ritual, and attention. The trunk were non as of import, and were hence treated with less regard, and were fed to the animate beings in the royal menagerie ( 108 ) . The Aztecs believed that warriors who died in conflict went directly to the Eastern Paradise where they would go attenders to the Sun ( 125 ) . Each forenoon, they would wait on the fields, and as the Sun rose, they would crush their wooden nines against their shields, before escorting the Sun to its zenith while dancing and singing. There, the adult females who had died in childbearing ( another sort of conflict ) would take over, and transported the Sun to the twenty-four hours s terminal ( 125 ) . Deaths of this step were equal to the of import sacrificial rites performed, utilizing voluntary warriors and Lords. The importance of the rite was frequently portrayed through the importance of the sacrificial victims being used. As stated before, it was an award for warriors to be slain in conflict, or to volunteer for a forfeit, but they were normally merely used in the more of import ceremonials. For the less of import, captives were by and large used ( AC ) . However, it was reported that some priests would frequently purchase babes and little kids for particular ceremonials to Tlaloc who was fond of the sound of shouting kids ( Frederiksen ) . The victims would go up the stairss of the pyramid have oning a traditional sacrificial mask ( AC ) . At the acme of this temple was the most common topographic point to execute a forfeit, although some could be performed inside ( Frederiksen ) . Four priests would keep each of the victim s weaponries and legs, while a 5th priest would, by one of many methods, cut unfastened the thorax of the victim, and rapidly take the bosom, sometimes still crushing ( Frederiksen ) . The steam lifting off the bosom would drift into the air as an offering to the divinities. Often times, the cadaver would so be placed on a nearby feast tabular array where the thenar of the custodies and the pess were considered an comestible daintiness. The remains of the organic structure were so by and large thrown into cavities of serpents and other animate beings ( Frederiksen ) . At the clip of the Spanish conquering, an estimated 50 thousand people were sacrificed each twelvemonth ( Frederiksen ) . The last twenty-four hours of the Aztec century a 52 twelvemonth rhythm was celebrated by a victim laid over an communion table while priests used a fire-board to light a fire on his chest Stuart, 65 ) . Once the fire was started, the victim s bosom was ripped out and thrown into the new fire Priests so tended to the fire until it had grown big plenty to be seen all over the Mexico Valley ( 65 ) . Following, smugglers from all the different temples would come to transport a torch lit by the new fire to their ain, local temples ( Frederiksen ) . This ceremonial was performed non merely to welcome the new century, but besides to guarantee the metempsychosis of clip ( Stuart, 65 ) . Slaves were killed in forfeit when their proprietor died, in order to attach to him into the following universe. Ahuitzotl s decease resulted in the forfeit of two hundred of his slaves. They were dressed in beautiful robes and given small shackles of points for the journey to transport with them. Each of their Black Marias were torn out and project into the funeral pyre ( Davies, 224 ) . Besides, to honour the shade of a male monarch s predecessor, a annual norm of five 100 captives were thrown over a drop, in Dahomey. However, if a sovereign died that twelvemonth, the sacrificial figure raised to one 1000 ( 220 ) . Although efforts have been made to calculate out why mass forfeit was performed, they have merely lead to misconceptions. With so many people deceasing at one clip, this act really becomes a consecrated terrorist act ( 220 ) . Although other ancient imperiums besides chose to execute human forfeit, the Aztec treated their victims much better than the others. Some other civilisations both sacrificed and enslaved their victims, captivity frequently being worse destiny ( 220 ) . However, the victims of the Aztecs were treated with regard, every bit good as being offered a hope of fantastic and rich wagess in the following universe, which are non given to those to hold died natural deceases ( 220 ) . Although much of the exposure and drawings we see today are portraitures of the forfeit of work forces, adult females, excessively, were capable to give. During the autumn festival honouring female parent goddesses of turning corn ( the Aztec basic ) , adult females were beheaded while dancing in imitation of the goddesses ( Time-Life, 106 ) . Besides, one young person was chosen yearly to stand for Tezcatlipoca. He was so honored for the following twelvemonth, and treated as though he were a reincarnation of the God. He wore god-associated vesture, and a month prior to executing, four adult females portraying goddesses were presented to him ( 106 ) . For the following month he would bask their company, until his death-day would get, and he would go up the temple steps, interrupting a flute on each step as he went ( 106 ) . The priests of Aztec forfeit held really of import functions in society, and were honored, and feared. The Spanish chronicler Duran described them as have oning robes, and expecting the victim at the acme of the pyramid. Their faces were smeared black with carbon black, and they wore leather sets encircling their caputs. One adult male would transport with him a wooden yoke, carved in the form of a serpent ( 29 ) . Duran wrote, They seized the victims one by one, one by one pes, another by the other, one priest by one manus, and another by the other manus. The victim was thrown on his dorsum, upo n the pointed rock, where the wretch was grabbed by the 5th priest, who placed the yoke upon his pharynx. The high priest so opened the thorax and with astonishing speed tore out the bosom, rending it out with his ain custodies. Therefore steaming, the bosom was lifted toward the Sun, and the exhausts were offered to the Sun. The priest so turned toward the graven image and cast the bosom in its face. After the bosom had been extracted, the organic structure was allowed to turn over down the stairss of the pyramid, ( 29 ) . The Flowery Wars were conflicts fought merely for the intent of capturing captives for sacrificial rites. They were by and large fought between the Aztecs, along with confederations, ( the people of Tezcoco and the independent Nahua rules of Tlaxcala and Huexotzinco ) , and Tlacopan and Tacuba people ( Leon-Portilla, 19 ) . These conflicts provided a steady supply of captives or war to feed the Aztecs unceasing demand for sacrificial victims ( Time-Life, 100 ) . However, these wars were barely necessary when happening child-victims. A missive was written to Mr. Thomas H. Frederiksen by a Mr. Miguel Chavez, who provided some penetration on the happenings of kid forfeit in the antediluvian Aztec civilization. There are many theories about the manner kids were sacrificed by the Aztecs. However, they do cognize for certain that his pattern went on. The rite was performed at the Templo Mayor, and although many were found to hold been decapitated, anthropologists have reported that decease was likely inflicted by several lacerations on the cervix, otherwise known as throat-slitting ( Frederiksen ) . These lesions were given to the kids, doing them to shed blood white, or until they were dead. Other theories of methods used in child forfeit included taking apart, while either alive or dead, and the remotion of their Black Marias ( Frederiksen ) . The organic structures of some kids have been found buried. In one grave, two skeletons were found, seated with their weaponries and legs near to the organic structure. What was unusual was that the organic structures were complete except the absence of the custodies and pess ( Frederiksen ) . Was this, possibly, the consequence of an act of cannibalism? As mentioned before, precisely those organic structure parts were considered a daintiness. Another skeleton found showed grounds that the thighbone was cut merely over the articulatio genus. Mr. Chavez commented, it might be interesting to analyze that thighbone under a microscope to see if there are blood invasions on the bone tissue, because that could bespeak the presence of blood force per unit area at the minute of the amputation, and by extension, show if the male child had his leg amputated while still alive or one time he had died, ( Frederiksen ) . The garb worn by the sacrificed kids in ill-defined, although rock beads and leftovers of yarn were found at the burial site. Other than that, though nil was sound to demo if kids used in more common forfeits wore anything at all, with exclusion of the beads ( Frederiksen ) . Each spring, a kid of six or seven old ages olds was slain by the priest to the sound of many huntsmans horns, conch shells, and flutes, on Mount Tlaloc ( Stuart, 73 ) . The graven image of Tlaloc would be bathed in the blood of the sacrificed kid, by the high priest. If this was non plenty, so one or two more would be sacrificed as good. As this was go oning, a miss in Tenochtitlan was dressed in bluish ( stand foring the great lake ) . The other priests would canoe the miss into the center of a vortex where the miss s pharynx would be slit, and the blood allowed to flux into the H2O ( 73 ) . In the Valley of Tehuacan, human skeletons dating back to 5000 BC were found. Included in the remains were a 1000 urns, each incorporating a kid who had non died a natural decease ( Davies, 219 ) . The ages of the kids who were sacrificed ranged from three months to eight old ages old. After their decease, the priests would put a jade rock in their oral cavities to function as a bosom in the following universe, where they would go the god s comrades ( Stuart, 73 ) . Other than common entombment, non much else is known about eh manner kids s organic structures were treated after their decease. However, one thought is portrayed in a rock drawing in nearby Mexico, which shows two sacrificed kids hanging from a pole, inverted and tied at the pess to a kind of revolving device ( Frederiksen ) . Although the kids are normally cut at the pharynx, they are besides killed by remotion of the bosom, much like that of the grownups. What we know of the methods the Aztec s used in sacrificial rites is based on drawings and the histories of Spanish voyagers who witnessed the executings ( Frederiksen ) . Overall, there were, in general, three different basic types of sacrificial methods. Although different in some ways, each method trades with the cutting unfastened of the venters, and the remotion of the bosom. This is a brief overview of each technique, with illustrations shown in Appendix I on page 14. Midaxial thoracotomy provided a good, frontal entree to the human bosom. However, it took longer clip to execute, in comparing with other attacks ( Frederiksen ) . When performed, the tegument and flesh along the sternum, or breastbone, was cut with a rock knife, vertically to the axis of the organic structure. Following, a rock chisel and cock were used to fracture the breastbone, checking the rib coop apart, making an easier manner to divide the two halves of the thorax. This gave first-class entree to the bosom, every bit good as other internal variety meats ( Frederiksen ) . Transversal thoracotomy was a similar technique to the 1 used above, but instead than doing a bone break and cut vertically, the flesh was cut horizontally, and the ribs, lying in the same formation, were easy to make through ( Frederiksen ) . The cut was made between the 2nd and 3rd ribs, running across the sternum, and ended between the 2nd and 3rd ribs of the opposite side. This method besides gave great entree to the bosom, every bit good as exposing each of the pleural pits ( Frederiksen ) . This, in bend, caused both lungs to fall in, ensuing in the victim fainting, hence discontinuing its battles. The fainting allowed the priest to so cut the arterias and ligaments while the bosom was still crushing ( Frederiksen ) . One of the quicker methods used was the Intercostal attack. Although the bosom was non accessed every bit easy as with the other processs, it still provided a speedy decease, ideal for executing during mass forfeit ceremonials ( Frederiksen ) . A cut was made on the left side of the chest, between the 2nd and 3rd ribs, and ran along until the border of the sternum. The priest would so literally infix his manus into the victim s thorax, and rupture out the bosom ( Frederiksen ) . Although these techniques may look harsh and messy, when compared with the medical manual for bosom surgery, the processs of readying are really similar ( Frederiksen ) . The patient is placed on his dorsum, on a supine place, with his weaponries raised up over his caput, and a downward pull on the organic structure, doing the thorax to be forced into a hyper extended place. This stretching pulled the laceration apart, leting for an easy attack to internal organic structure parts ( Frederiksen ) . Although these were the most common methods, others were used every bit good. One included a cut made to the victim s tummy, rupturing out of the stop, and the film editing of the bosom ligament from the interior ( Frederiksen ) . Because the victim would literally eviscerate himself during the rite, this process was seldom used ( Frederiksen ) . Another signifier did non include the remotion of the bosom at all. Alternatively, a signifier named gladiatorial forfeit was used. A victim would be dressed in warrior s garb and given dummy arm would step out onto the battleground, and stand tethered to a big rock. Next, a group of Aztec warriors would contend the victim utilizing existent arms. Although it meant humiliation during the process, as the victim was practically lacerate apart, it was still considered an award to vie on the rock ( Frederiksen ) . This award extended throughout the full topic of forfeit for the Aztecs, and in a manner was their secret arm, or their strength. How ever, when aliens saw the Aztec processs, they made strong judgements based on what they saw. The Aztec people were the strongest people populating in this hemisphere. However, their imperium was no lucifer for the modern, foreign Spanish encroachers, lead by Hernando Cortes, in 1521. He and his work forces captured and destroyed the metropolis of Tenochtitlan, along with their Native Mexican Alliess ( Frederiksen ) . When the Spanish conquering took topographic point, the foreign voyagers came upon the Aztec civilisation, and were really surprised when they saw the ways the Aztecs worshipped their Gods. One traveller, Bernal Diaz, stated that the walls of the temple were splashed and encrusted with blood prostitute malodor was intolerable ( Frederiksen ) . Diaz wrote, In that little infinite, there were many devilish things to be seen, bugles and huntsmans horns and knives, and many Black Marias of Indians that they had burned in fuming their graven images, and everything was so clogged with blood, and at that place was so much of it, that I curse the whole of it, and as it stank like a abattoir we hastened to unclutter out of such a bad malodor and worse sight, ( Time-Life, 29 ) . Cortezs, upon witnessing the forfeits, besides made statements about what he saw. He wrote, they take many misss and male childs and even grownups, and in the presence of the graven images they open their thoraxs while they are still alive and take out their Black Marias and visceras and Burnss them before the graven images, offering the fume as forfeit. Some of us have seen this, and they say it is the most awful and atrocious thing they have of all time witnessed, ( 29 ) . The temples were described by other embassadors from foreign states as streaming with blood, which poured down the staircases and sides of the memorial, organizing immense pools on the white stucco paving ( Townsend, 100 ) . The Aztecs created a tough expression for themselves by executing forfeit so normally. Under the regulation of Ahuizotl, forfeit was transformed into a panic bring oning thought to any who witnessed it. A daze was brought upon any who observed the blood-covered temple and skull racks strung with 1000s of gory trophies. This leap in the strength and Gore of forfeit marked a turning point in the regulation of Ahuizotl, before the imperium of the Aztec s eventually came to an terminal ( 100 ) . Because of their strong beliefs and bravery to stand up to them, the Aztecs lived a long and abundant life-time. Their civilisation survived for decennaries. They created an image for themselves through their spiritual patterns. Their strength was non overlooked by the horror-stricken Spanish conquestors, but it was surpassed. Although their processs may hold seemed barbarous and evil, what is hard for many people to understand is the fact that sacrifices in the lives of the Aztecs was merely their manner of worshipping and honouring their Gods.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Account for Lloyd Georges fall from office in 1922 Essays
Account for Lloyd Georges fall from office in 1922 Essays Account for Lloyd Georges fall from office in 1922 Essay Account for Lloyd Georges fall from office in 1922 Essay Lloyd George became Prime Minister in 1916, with the formation of a coalition government, between the Liberals, Labour and the Conservatives. Unfortunately, the outbreak of World War One had divided the liberals. The then Prime Minister, Herbert Asquith had begun to loose his grip as a formidable political figure and when the option of creating a coalition government was forced upon him, he chose to retire. In his place, Lloyd George was appointed. He was radical and charismatic and therefore, just what the country need at this difficult time. After Britains victory in the war, a general election was called in 1918, which Lloyd George, as the hero from the war, won with a landslide victory. Although Lloyd George had just achieved a great election victory, his political position was still very vulnerable. After Asquiths depart from office, the Liberals had been split, with about half of liberal MPs supporting the old Prime Minister instead of the new. Lloyd George had tried to repair this growing rift in his party by offering Asquith the post of Lord Chancellor, but Asquith, rather foolishly, refused this generous offer. There was no longer any hope of re-uniting the party and Lloyd George had become a Prime Minister without a party. So, Lloyd George, not only had to run a struggling coalition, he had to do it, in effect, without the support of a party. Many factors were contributing to the problems of the coalition. The labour party, led by their coalition representative Arthur Henderson had left the coalition in 1917, leaving it comprised of mainly Tories, with an ex-liberal Prime Minister. The conservatives were perfectly happy to continue with the coalition. They had not won an election since 1902 and they had lost all their self-confidence. They hoped to profit at the coupon election from the Prime Ministers popularity. The coalition had no apparent or coherent philosophy and was in some respects, incapable of effective action. It had too much confidence in itself to listen to the pessimists. In fact, had they paused to consider the warnings they received, many problems wouldnt have arisen. During the war, a common enemy had united the coalition. All their personal differences and policies were unimportant and disregarded in the light of the situation. After the war, the key question was, could the two elements of the coalition co-operate together successfully. All this rested on how long Lloyd George could retain the support of the Tory Backbenchers. The conservatives, if they withdrew from the coalition, would have a comfortable majority and therefore Lloyd George had to maintain his popularity with the voting public to convince the Conservatives that the depended on him. Lloyd George could not delegate important tasks to his colleagues because he had to seem personally responsible for the successes. This was dangerous as it also meant that he would seem personally responsible for the failures also. It caused many fellow ministers to consider him as too dominant. As both the cabinet and the coalition, were conservatives dominated, Lloyd George had to follow their lead in many respects. He relied on the Conservative Party leader, Andrew Bonar Law as a mediator between the Prime Minister and Backbenchers. He was a man of great ability but his most important skill was not in leading the Tories, but in understanding them. This was essential for Lloyd George who had to please these ministers and not to be seen to neglect them. Unfortunately, this arrangement was not to last indefinitely. Although Lloyd George, revelled in political security, he saw the need for political realignment and wanted to form a new centre party with his liberals and all but the very extreme right-wing Tories. These groups had had a natural and effective co-operation for years. In March 1920, many Tories petitioned for this single united party, but Lloyd Georges plans were spoiled by the coalition liberals who were unwilling to be tied to the conservatives permanently. Lloyd Georges ideas became known as the fusion and despite the lack of liberal support, he kept trying, undeterred, but he never got any closer to his ideal party. The failure of the fusion did not mean the end of the coalition but it did leave Lloyd George vulnerable and reliant on Bonar Law. In 1921, Bonar Law resigned due to ill health. This was a huge blow for Lloyd George. His replacement, Austen Chamberlain was no substitute for Bonar Law. He was deficient where Bonar law had excelled, out of touch with party feeling and very aloof. The root of his trouble was his vanity. He would not wear glasses, although he was very shortsighted. He insisted on wearing a monocle in a vain attempt to look like his famous father. This meant that her could only recognise people at a distance of a few feet. His Backbenchers were annoyed and felt that their leader was ignoring them. He also failed to communicate well and didnt tell his Backbenchers of his critical views of Lloyd George. He was therefore seen as Lloyd Georges creation. The results of all this political uncertainty and tension was that problems began to multiply for Lloyd George and his coalition. The strain was beginning to show. All these problems were heightened by public expectations. These were very high and too much was expected of the coalition. In return for this faith, their disappointment in this failure was bitterer. In 1918, after the war, Lloyd George inherited a changed and damaged Britain. During the war, it had become essential that the government were more involved in peoples lives. This meant that the old policy of Laissez-faire was effectively over. Also, ministers became more accountable to the people they represented. The Representation of the People Act of 1918 gave the vote to more people than ever before. Britain was at last becoming the true democracy and proper democracy it had the potential to be. With this change, not only ministers, but also all political figures and institutions became answerable to the people that voted for them. Public opinion at last held more weight and influence. Lloyd George, as well as the rest of the country had to become accustomed to these changes, but at the same time pressing problems with the economy had to be dealt with. The end of the war brought with it a natural slow-down economically. Fewer raw materials, food were needed, as Britain was no longer forced into self-sufficiency. This meant that a slump occurred in many industries. This was natural and expected as the war had stimulated the economy to a level no longer required. Despite its predictability, there was little the government could do. They were forced to relinquish their former policy of non-intervention in a vain attempt to control l the slow-down. To contribute to the situation, British goods were no longer competitive on the international export market. She had been the first country to industrialise and other countries had now followed her example, only they had the benefit of heignsight and could learn for Englands mistakes. They perfected the long-established techniques of this country and forced Britain out of the market. She could no longer compete. Reconstruction had begun during the war and was continued but Lloyd George after it. In a speech delivered on 12th November 1918, he outlined his ambitions and hopes for the future. He wanted to raise standards in health and housing, a minimum wage, shorter working hours and agriculture reform. Basically, he wanted a land fit for heroes. These were the expectations of the people. Dr Christopher Addisons housing act of 1919 placed the obligation upon local authorities to see that all citizens were provided with decent homes. Private housebuilders were given subsidies to build the houses. The government offered to meet the costs of all municipal housing. This act has been and was criticised for being extravagant but over 200000 new houses were built with this aid between 1919 and 1923. This is a huge achievement, under the circumstances. The unemployment act of 1920 extended unemployment insurance to millions more workers, covering the majority of the wag-earning population. Benefit was to be paid for the first 15 weeks of unemployment, but unemployment continued to rise and the scheme needed constant modifications. Despite this, the principal of comprehensive protection of unemployed workers had been addressed and without these measures, the unemployment situation would have been much worse. In 1920, the agriculture act had maintained a previous system of price guarantees for wheat and oats. Greater protection was also given to agricultural wages and the protection of tenure was given to tenant farmers. All the above mentioned reforms were curtailed when the slump began in April 1921. Lloyd Georges solution was to set up a committee of businessmen, under the direction of Sir Eric Geddes. This commission was to investigate the economic problems and they produced their first report in February 1922. It recommended sweeping cuts in public spending. Addisons housing program had cuts imposed on it, causing Dr Addison to resign and defect to he labour party. Also, the new agriculture act was repealed only a year after it was first enforced, as the wheat priced plummeted and the cost of subsidising the farmers rose steadily. The provisions made by the unemployment act were extended and the unemployment fund could borrow up to 30 million from the treasury to finance the unemployment benefit. Due to the sorrowful conclusion to Lloyd Georges reconstruction policies, many people considered them to be a complete failure, but they were, in fact, a relative success. Much was achieved, as the situation would have been worse without the efforts of Addison and other similar policies. People now saw that the land fit for heroes that they had been promised couldnt be delivered by Lloyd George. All the problems outlined so far have been long-term trends or short-term causes, but without a trigger, Lloyd George might not have fallen. In this case, there were several triggers, each heightening the problems and contributing to the crisis. One of these triggers was the Irish policy adopted by Lloyd George. Ireland was and had been for many years, under the control of Britain, as part of the empire. Members of Sinn Fein wanted an independent Ireland and so they refused to take up their seats in the House of Commons in 1918 and instead, formed their own government. This new Irish government was not recognised as legitimate by the British government and so the nationalists used force to try and influence their legitimacy. In response to this violent outburst, Lloyd George set up the Black and Tans, a military unit who fought the violence with violence. In Britain, these aggressive tactics made the Prime Minister unpopular, not only among the British people, but also among his fellow ministers. Eventually talks began with the Irish nationalists, but Lloyd George knew that he must, under any circumstances retain the largely industrialised are of Ulster in the north of the country. He used his great negotiating power with the nationalists and a deal was finally reached which entailed that the unionists could rule all Ireland with the exception of Ulster and Ireland could become a dominion. Under these rules, Ireland was still within the empire. This point was crucial for Lloyd George, as he had to retain the support of the unionist conservative party in his government. Ireland also, under the deal, still had to swear allegiance to the crown and monarch. This treaty became known as the Anglo-Irish treaty and was signed by both sided in 1921. As a short-term solution to the problem of Ireland, this treaty was successful. Although, many Tories were not pleased as they saw it as sign that they were going to loose the empire, overall Lloyd George had succeeded in meeting all the political demands made of him. In Ireland, the treaty was treated as a scandalous deal. The unionists had achieved none of the demands that they had initially presented and they still had to swear allegiance to the monarch, they had not the independence they wanted. Ultimately, the treaty had the expected effect. Lloyd George knew that the division would result in an inevitable civil war in Ireland, but he also knew that while Ireland was fighting itself, it could not fight England and in that respect he was safe and the Irish question was resolved. In the long term, the division of Ireland by this treaty has caused and is still responsible for the ongoing conflict in Northern Ireland. The Irish question increased Lloyd Georges unpopularity both because of the harsh methods of dealing with the violence and because of the new treaty. Despite this, it was not this issue that was Lloyd Georges greatest error in foreign policy. After the First World War, Lloyd George had helped to negotiate the Treaty of Sevres with Turkey, where most of the Ottoman Empire was parcelled out around Europe. The terms of the treaty were harsh, so harsh in fact that they provoked a nationalist revolt. Mustapha Kemal led a war of liberation. He wanted to regain Smuma from the Greeks. The area of Chanak was guarded by allied troops when the trouble began and all but Britain withdrew their troops. Instead of withdrawing his troops, Lloyd George gave the order that an ultimatum was to be delivered by General Harrington. Fortunately, Harrington disobeyed the order and instead entered into peace negotiations. Finally and amicable settlement was reached. Lloyd George had offended the traditional pro-Turk stance of the conservatives and a feeling of political rest stirred among the coalition government. The whole affair appeared that the Prime Minister was recklessly risking war in a time, only 4 years after the Great War and in a climate of great war-weariness. This incident greatly damaged his public standing and heightened his unpopularity. The other treaty, for which Lloyd George had been responsible in the aftermath of the war, was the Treaty of Versailles. Here, his role had been as a moderator between the USA and France. At home, he also had to act as a moderator. The conservatives feared that the treaty would be too lenient, yet the Liberals were worried that it was too harsh. Unfortunately, he couldnt please both. Also, Maynard Keynes book made it fashionable to condemn the treaty and Lloyd Georges part in bringing it about. Lloyd George attended many meeting but still his policies would not work. He could not overcome Frances resentment of Germany or the USAs isolationism. His work appeared to be meaningless. The next nail in Lloyd Georges coffin, as it were, was the honours scandal. If it had come at a time of political stability, it would not have had much influence or impact, but coming, as it did, no top of the Irish settlement and the Chanak incident, it had both. It seemed to show the moral bankruptcy of Lloyd George. He was accused of selling knighthoods and peerages. He had never had a reputation for honesty or orthodoxy; he rarely visited the commons, leaked secrets to the press, had a wife and mistress and was unfaithful to both and had once summoned the entire cabinet up to Inverness for a cabinet meeting because it was more convenient to him and his holiday plans. The Tories, who were very moralist, were appalled with his attitude. The money raised from the sales went into Lloyd Georges personal fund. In fact the conservative hypocrisy was shown by this scandal as they pocketed half of the profits from the sales and then complained. It was not a new thing for honours to be sold in this way, but Lloyd George bestowed peerages on three very disreputable characters and it was this that caused the outrage. As a result of the scandal, a committee or privy councillors was set up to consider all political candidates for honours. Finally, on the 19th September, Austen Chamberlain called a meeting of the conservatives in the Carlton Club in London. Here he lectured backbenchers that they must maintain the coalition as they couldnt win an election without its support, but he was inept and failed to make it clear that he wanted a reconstructed coalition, with a different leader. Most Tories would have agreed that Lloyd George was no longer a desirable leader of the coalition. Stanley Baldwin made an excellent speech. He picked up on an earlier comment about Lloyd George being a dynamic force, and illustrated how a dynamic force can be a terrible and dangerous thing. Bonar Law was Lloyd Georges former partner and his speech was more moderate, but still, it was clear that he no longer thought Lloyd George should lead the coalition. Bonar laws presence was vital, as he was needed to rally the discontented Tory majority. A motion was passed saying that the conservatives would fight the next election alone. Chamberlain, a constant supporter of Lloyd George, resigned as leader the next day and later that evening; Lloyd George resigned as Prime Minister. He had at last fallen. As I have shown above, there were many factors that contributed to the fall of Lloyd George. He ascended to the role of Prime Minister of the country in a time of economic and political instability and unrest. He had not only these problems to deal with, but he had to appease a conservative-majority coalition government and all without a party of his won. The triggers that led directly to his down fall all heightened public dissatisfaction with him as a person and as a leader and all, because they came together, contributed to his fall from power, so soon after winning a huge majority in the general election of 1918. Public expectations were too high and any man would fail to meet these high demands made of him. It is therefore not surprising that Lloyd George fell from power, it is perhaps a wonder that he lasted so long.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Free Essays on Essays On Essays
on a piece of paper. Even though they are partially correct, it is a lot more to it than that. First, you have to choose what type of essay you want to write: Classification, Process Analysis, Causes of, and many more. The essay that I want to explain is the Process Analysis essay. This essay is like making Kool-Aid. Just like Kool-Aid, you have steps to complete in order to make the perfect pitcher. The process analysis essay should have at least 6 different steps in completing it correctly. The very first step, prewriting, is not that hard. In fact, it is the easiest part of the essay. All you have to do is first find your subject (the topic you want to write about), it shouldn’t be hard because the topic is the reason you would want to write this type of essay. Now that you have your subject, jot down a few notes and facts that you already know about your subject. Don’t be afraid to leave out anything, there is always time to delete the nonsense sentences. Now that you have your ideas on paper, the next step is to compose the essay. Write out your rough draft and if you think it is necessary, add all of the nonsense sentences to make your essay look bigger. On a personal note, you might want to leave the spelling and grammar problems out, because you are not really interested in that right now. Spelling uses to much of your time and energy, it is better to get out what you are thinking on paper. After composing, you have to evaluate your essay. What I mean is you have to read the essay over and over, take out whatever you do or do not like and maybe change around some of the word usage. This is a good time to check out your grammar problems and run-on sentences. If you feel comfortable with your essay, let a peer read it and find out their opinion. Thei... Free Essays on Essays On Essays Free Essays on Essays On Essays Essay on Essay Many different people do not know how to write an essay, even though it is quite easy people just can’t comprehend it. People think and essay is words on a piece of paper. Even though they are partially correct, it is a lot more to it than that. First, you have to choose what type of essay you want to write: Classification, Process Analysis, Causes of, and many more. The essay that I want to explain is the Process Analysis essay. This essay is like making Kool-Aid. Just like Kool-Aid, you have steps to complete in order to make the perfect pitcher. The process analysis essay should have at least 6 different steps in completing it correctly. The very first step, prewriting, is not that hard. In fact, it is the easiest part of the essay. All you have to do is first find your subject (the topic you want to write about), it shouldn’t be hard because the topic is the reason you would want to write this type of essay. Now that you have your subject, jot down a few notes and facts that you already know about your subject. Don’t be afraid to leave out anything, there is always time to delete the nonsense sentences. Now that you have your ideas on paper, the next step is to compose the essay. Write out your rough draft and if you think it is necessary, add all of the nonsense sentences to make your essay look bigger. On a personal note, you might want to leave the spelling and grammar problems out, because you are not really interested in that right now. Spelling uses to much of your time and energy, it is better to get out what you are thinking on paper. After composing, you have to evaluate your essay. What I mean is you have to read the essay over and over, take out whatever you do or do not like and maybe change around some of the word usage. This is a good time to check out your grammar problems and run-on sentences. If you feel comfortable with your essay, let a peer read it and find out their opinion. Thei...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Assessment - Assignment Example Industrial Chemicals, lastly, provide scientifically enrich and tested chemical products. All in all, the company makes use of the best talent in the sector to keep up with the innovative and unique features it provides. Synthomer also works in the chemical industry and deals mainly in production of polymers. Synthomer was established in 1952 with headquarters in Harlow, UK. Both companies keep innovation and technology at the heart of their operations and compete greatly in the global business market. Both the companies have followed International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to prepare the financial reports. They use different accounting policies for the accounts, for instance, Synthomer calculates depreciation on straight line basis over the estimated useful life of an asset and Croda values tangible fixed assets at cost or valuation less depreciation. The accounting policies differ for each account but they remain compliant with the UK accounting standards and companies law 2006. For the purpose of this assignment, the financial statements of both the companies are extracted from their official website. The information important for the analysis is extracted and summarized in the excel sheet for clarity and ease of use. The analysis covers information from three recent years i.e. 2011, 2012 and 2013. Both the companies belong to the same industry and work in more or less the same product lines. For financial analysis, ratio analysis was used. Ratio analysis is done under 5 main heads namely Liquidity, Leverage, Coverage, Activity and Profitability. The analysis involves comprehensive assessment of the results measured. An analysis is made using personal knowledge and understanding about the issues. The report ends by concluding on the results of comparative analysis. Current
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Fight For 8-hour work time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Fight For 8-hour work time - Essay Example Several nations developed certain labor laws for avoid the exploitation of employees in an organization. These laws are mainly consists of minimum daily rest hours, annual holidays and a maximum number of working hours in a day or week for the employees welfare. Over the last three hundred years labor unions have gone through different situation and shaped different forms. Later these trade unions became the part of different political and economical regimes. Early labors are like friendly societies and they worked for the different benefits of labors and to insure workers against unemployment, bad health condition, oldness, and funeral expenses. In many nations especially developed countries, states have been taken responsibilities to do all these functions. The provision of professional training, legal advice, and representation for members are still playing major role of labor union membership. The international socialist organization, the international workingmen’s association (IWA) or First international, demanded 8 hour working time at Geneva Convention in 1866. 8 hour working day got preliminary success in New Zealand by the Australian labor movement for skilled labors in the mid of 19th century. At the early and mid of 20th century got more popularity and most of the employers accepted the 8 hour working time throughout the world. Eight hour day movement is the part of early history and reasoned for the celebration Labor Day and May Day in several nations. The origin of Labor Day namely May Day is bounded up with the movement of eight hour workday. During the year between 1885 and 1886, many strikes had happened in the United States for the part of eight hour work day movement. There were around 500 strikes and lockouts took place in between 1881 and 1884. Most of these movements were started on May First. The May first protest and strike were very aggressive i n Chicago. May first, 1890, was to witness nation-wide strike for the
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Business Management Of Skylark Hotel Tourism Essay
The Business Management Of Skylark Hotel Tourism Essay The brainstorming process took about a week. After careful thought and consideration, we decided to venture into the hotel business. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, we felt that the demand for hotels in Singapore will be very high as Singapore is a booming tourism industry. Furthermore, many events in Singapore such as the Formula 1 Grand Prix and the upcoming Youth Olympic Games ensure that there will be countless tourists flocking to the little red dot. Also, we noticed that not many people venture into the hotel business despite its high demand. Thus we decided on using the hotel as our main business. We have also created a website, Facebook and Twitter accounts to further enhance our business. This serves as a platform for our customers to know more about our business and also serves as a communication platform between our business and valued customers. By doing this, we can receive feedback from our valued customers and establish a positive relationship with them. Our Profile Business Name: Skylark hotel Business Location: Stadium Boulevard, 52 Stadium Road (397724) hotel location macro.PNG Business Objectives: Skylarks objective is to treat all guests as prestigious members of the hotel, by employing dedicated staff to cater to the guests needs and wants during their stay. The safety and satisfaction of our guests is our primary responsibility. Mission Statement: To provide authentic hospitality by offering exclusive service and facilities for your comfort. Vision Statement: To provide great experiences to each valued guest that walks through Skylarks doors by building a trustworthy and long lasting relationship with our prestigious guests through a process of continuous improvement in our service. Values: Sincerityƒ  To establish and maintain a level of trust with our guests. Keennessƒ To show a willingness to learn from our mistakes and reflect upon the guests feedback. Youthfulƒ  To allow the employees to bring their enthusiasm to work and have fun. Loyaltyƒ Dedication and full commitment in serving our valued guests Accountabilityƒ To take ownership and responsibility in all the tasks that are being allocated Respectƒ To have a basic courtesy level between colleague, subordinate and top ranking managers.  Kindƒ To be polite and courteous to every single guest that walks through the Skylarks doors. Smart Goals We are aiming to welcome at least 1000 guests within the first 6 months of our official opening, thus making expected hotel revenue of $500,000. To achieve full occupancy during the Holiday periods. To be known as an eco friendly hotel by the end of our 1st year operation To be featured in the hotel business magazine by the 2nd year of our operation To be awarded the Excellent Service Award by the 3rd year of our operation Policies All hotel room rates are subject to change without notice. Payment may be made by cash or credit cards such as MasterCard, Visa or American express card. We are committed to minimising the impact of our operations on the environment. We are willing to comply with most of the laws and regulations with regards to saving the environment. We will prompt our guests and employees to participate or lead in the protection of our environment. We will ensure that the products supplied by our suppliers is environmentally-friendly. Monitoring the performance of hotel and employees will take place every 6 months so that we can review what we have achieved or failed and improve on it accordingly. We will not be held liable for any loss or damage to any valuables.  We will not be held responsible for any accidents or injuries to our guests during their stay in our hotel Procedures If the reservation made by a potential guest has been confirmed by the hotel, the guest is guaranteed a hotel room. Though we cannot give a guarantee to satisfy our guests request, we will try our best to satisfy any requests made relating to room number or location. All reservations must be made at least 3 days prior to your arrival date.  All reservations will require an advanced deposit equalling the cost of staying in the requested room for a day. All cancellations of reservations have to be made the day following the reservation. If it is cancellation is made any later, deposits by the guests will be forfeited. Our check-in time is anytime after 12 noon. Our checkout time is 12 noon. A late checkout charge of $150 will be charged to rooms that check out after 12 noon. Hotel guests will be responsible for any damages found in their room once they check out. Rules and Regulation The hotel is authorized to only accommodate properly registered guests. Guests are to present their valid ID card or passport for confirmation. Smoking is prohibited in the hotel rooms. Be advised to keep your valuables in your room safe which is located in your cabinet. On the basis of a confirmed booking the hotel is to reserve the room for the guest up to 6:00 PM only, unless the booking stipulates otherwise. Guests should not move furniture, or interfere with the electrical network or any other installations in the hotel rooms or on the premises of the hotel without the consent of the hotel management. No gambling of any kind or unlawful behavior is permitted in the hotel. Employees are to wear their uniform smartly in the hotel premises at all time. Planning Decision making model Ratings from 1 to 5 shows which business fits the criteria the best. Business venture Type of business Knowledge of the field Practicality to be applied in Singapore Maintenance Expense Uniqueness Total Retail shop 2 3 3 3 13 Restaurant 3 5 4 2 14 Hotel management 5 4 2 4 15 Investment centre 4 2 5 1 12 Sports complex 1 1 1 5 8 Definition of criteria: Knowledge of the fieldƒ How familiar we are with the different types of businesses. Practicality to be applied in Singaporeƒ How effective is it to set up such a business in Singapore. Maintenance Expenseƒ The expenses that will be incurred in future in order to keep the facilities and area of the business under appropriate and acceptable conditions. Uniqueness ƒ The type of business we choose must be few in quantity in Singapore Thus, we have chosen to venture into hotel management as most of us have an extensive knowledge about the field and furthermore, it is can be applied in the Singapore context. Additionally, it is also fairly unique as not many people venture into this type of business. Location of business Location Accessibility Competitiveness Amount of Space Landmarks available in the location Rental Total Marina Bay 4 1 3 4 2 14 Harbour Front 2 4 4 3 5 18 Orchard 5 2 1 5 1 14 Holland Road 1 3 2 1 3 10 Stadium Boulevard 3 5 5 2 4 19 Definition of criteria: Competitivenessƒ the presence of competitors who are in similar businesses may affect our profits Landmarks available in the locationƒ the presence of well-known places of interest located near the hotel. Amount of space ƒ how large is the space in the particular area. Accessibility ƒ how convenient the location of our hotel is. This means that it has to be near an MRT station and bus-stop. Also, it has to be easily accessible by cars Rentalƒ the cost of using the piece of land Thus, Stadium Boulevard has been chosen as the location accessible as there is an availability of bus and MRT nearby. There are also very few hotels in that area and the amount of space to build our hotel is substantially large. Furthermore, the rental fee is relatively cheaper as compared to the rest of the locations. Name of Hotel Name Uniqueness Meaningful Number of votes Total Olympian 2 6 1 9 Sphere 3 2 0 5 Skylark 5 5 2 12 iHotel 1 1 0 2 Metamorphosis 6 4 0 10 Synergy 4 3 2 9 Definition of criteria: Uniqueness ƒ how different our hotel name is as compared to other names. This means that the name chosen have to be distinctive and is not a duplicate of other businesses. Meaningful ƒ choosing a name which has a special meaning tagged along with it and is able to represent the vision and mission of our hotel. Number of votes ƒ how many of our group members favoured the name of the hotel We have chosen Skylark as the hotel name because it is considered to be unique. Furthermore, it is considered as meaningful as the work sky represents the location of the business which is surrounded by nature. Also, it has won one of the highest numbers of votes by our group members. Fundamentals of planning Strategic planning Strategic planning is done by top management where long-term goals are established and available resources are identified. The owner, general manager, assistant general manager and resident manager will meet up monthly to review the hotels progress and check if the long-term goals are achievable. They will also be responsible for the changing or maintaining the overall direction of the hotel and they will look into ways to cope with the highly competitive hotel industry. Tactical planning Tactical planning will be done by the managers under the control of the top management. They will be responsible for implementing the policies made by the top managers. They are also responsible for the managers under their power. Also, in Skylark hotel, these managers will act as middlemen between first-line management and the top management. This means that these managers have to convey the problems the first-line managers face to the top management if they cannot solve it. Operational planning The managers in this section are known as first-line managers. They are responsible for carrying out daily tasks and motivating employees. They are also responsible to solve problems with regard to the employees. Organisational Environment Internal Stakeholders The internal stakeholders of our company include 150 employees from a diversity of races and age and genders, an owner, and also a board of directors. External Stakeholders The external stakeholders of the hotel comprises of the task and general environment. Task Environment Customers The most important of all is our prestigious customers, both local and foreigners which will help boost our business as they are the main sources of our income. Without the presence of the customers, it will then be impossible for us to make any profits. Our targeted demographic are families. Thus, this explains why we many facilities which permit them to bond together as a family. Quality of Services Location Good Food (Buffet) Attractive Rates Discount and offer Environment Quiet and welcoming colour tones, furniture and employees Suppliers As for food and beverages, our main supplier is Pines Catering. External suppliers are also required to provide raw materials for our construction and furnishings. For construction, our supplier is Pluspoint Premier Global while for furnishings; our supplier is Aceman Renovation and Trading. Competitor As for our main competitors, they are the nearby hotels which are Resort World Sentosa, Marina Bay Sands and Fragrance Hotel Admiral which may negatively affect our profits. Our main rival is Resort World Sentosa. Besides providing accommodation, they provide numerous holiday packages for the guests. An illustration is the 3D2N Ultimate Fun Package where they get passes to Universal Studios Singapore and as well as complimentary drinks when they first arrived at the hotel. Marina Bay Sands is also another opponent of our hotel. Besides the usual amenities for the guests, Marina Bay Sands also provide golf course for their customers. Thus, the packages that our rivals promote aggressively will indirectly affect us as this will reduce the number of guests in our hotel. Our hotel may resort to coming out with similar or even better packages to draw more customers. Media By having a close relationship with the media, our hotel will be able to secure recognition faster. Joining forces together with travel agencies, our business will prosper as it helps our hotel to gain reputation. Other stakeholders included the interest groups, the government, lenders and unions. General Environment The general environment comprises many external forces which are mostly beyond the control of our hotel. Economic forces General economic trends happening world-wide can affect our hotels earnings due to a stronger or weaker dollar value. Thus, we need to ensure that our hotel should charge reasonable rates to customers so as to maintain our competitiveness even during a recession. This will allow us to attract more customers. Socio cultural forces As Singapore is a multicultural country, our hotel would need to respect and be mindful of the various practices and deep-seated beliefs of the different races and religions. Technological forces Our hotel has pertained technology by adapting to the advancements of technology by having our very own website, Facebook page and Twitter account. The website enables our customers to book hotel rooms online, view special offers available and browse the amenities provided at the comfort of their home. In addition, they are able to provide us with feedback on the website and our hotel can improve on our weaknesses and progress. International forces As the world has just suffered from an economy crisis, this will cause a decline in the numbers of guests in the hotel. However, Singapore has political stability, which means that there will be no riots or protests to deter the tourists from coming into Singapore. Political-legal forces As the law holds up certain rules and laws to prevent inappropriate acts in hotel such as prostitution and gambling. In addition, the law assists our hotel to uphold order to ensure an enjoyable stay for the guests. Organisation Structure Task and roles General Manager The duties of a general manager include managing other managers and the hotel staff, budgeting cost and cross-referring to actual budget, managing hotel projects, managing hotel emergencies and public relations with the media. This means that a general manager usually oversees most or all of the firms marketing and sales functions and the day-to-day operations of the business. The general manager is also responsible for leading the strategic planning functions of the hotel. Assistant General Manager An assistant general manager aids the general manager in his decisions such as business agendas. He also assists the general manager in completing the paperwork which is not very important and he is tasked with reporting all problems in the hotel to the general manager. However, he can solve these problems if he is able to and thereby, allowing the hotel to run smoothly. Resident manager The main job of the resident manager is to respond to any problems or emergencies in the hotel while overlooking the day-to-day operations of the hotel. They stay in the hotel and are on call 24 hours a day. However, they only work for a certain period of time per day although they are on call throughout the day. House-keeping manager Basically, the house-keeping manager supervises work activities of cleaning personnel to ensure clean and attractive rooms in the hotel. The house-keeping manager also assigns duties, inspect work, and investigate complaints regarding housekeeping and takes corrective action as required. He is also required to purchase housekeeping supplies and equipment, train new employees, and recommend dismissals. Front Office Manager Front office managers are responsible making the guests stay at the hotel as pleasant as possible. This means to ensure that the guests are treated courteously and make sure all the complaints and problems of the guests are resolved as fast as possible. They are also handed the responsibility of reservations, tracking the status of the rooms and ensure that guests special request are carried out. They also have the authority to adjust the charges posted on the customers bill. Telecom operator Hotel telecom operators are required to transfer foreign or outside calls to the appropriate guest room. He also has to answer or transfer all incoming calls. He is responsible for informing the guests about the latest information on guest services and also processes and executes the wake-up calls to the guests. He also helps to inform the guests about the latest events and happenings at the hotel. Chief engineer The chief engineer is responsible for maintaining the performance of the maintenance or engineering department in the hotel. He also has to ensure that the hotel is in working order and fix any problems related to the structure of the hotel. He or she has to maintain the exterior of the building, the car park and check the furniture in the guest rooms and take corrective measures if anything is wrong with the furniture. He must be able to respond to emergencies, even after working hours. Most importantly, he must have the troubleshooting ability to be able to solve any problem in the hotel on the spot. Chief of security Chief of security is responsible for overseeing the safety of the hotel throughout the day, especially in the evening. He may also have other responsibilities such as walking around the hotel property to ensure that everyone is safe. He is also tasked with responding to guest. The chief of security must be able to solve problems quickly and respond to emergency situations effectively. Human resources manager The human resource manager is responsible for the administrative function of the hotel. This means to recruit, interview or hire new employees into the organisation in accordance to the strategic plan made by top executives. They are also responsible for all areas related to employees such as providing them uniforms and giving them employee benefits. Human resources managers are tasked with providing training for the new employees to improve the employee skills and to increase customer satisfaction. In todays society, human resources managers lead the hotel by suggesting and changing policies after consultation with top executives. Food and beverage manager The food and beverage manager is responsible for overseeing, with the chef, the purchasing of all the ingredients necessary to complement the items on the menu. It may require training new employees and monitoring the staff in the dining room to see if they are following the hotel style of service. Sometimes, the food and beverage manager may also be called up to resolve matters with the guests unhappy with the food. It is also very important to keep the morale in the food and beverage section. Sales director The sales director is responsible for maximising the occupancy of the hotel. He also works with the general manager with regards to operational issues. The sales director must have excellent communication skills as he is responsible for negotiating with suppliers to provide the goods the hotel needs at a low price and he needs it to establish rapport with clients or suppliers. Controller The hotel controllers job is to report financial information timely and accurately. He is also responsible for financial forecasting, both short-term and long-term. He manages the accounting and financial staff and he may be required to train new employees. This organisational chart is done in accordance to functional departmentalisation. This organisation adopts a wide span of control. It is because the Resident Manager alone is in-charge of three departments. In these departments, the top supervisors or managers will have another range of subordinates. The organisation has a decentralisation of authority. In each sector of the company, they have their own managers that are accountable for them. The employees do not have to get approval from the General Manager or anyone from around that status. Instead the employees just have to get approval from their immediate manager or supervisor. Organisation Culture Hotel Services: As the top notch hotel, as part of the culture, we aim to serve with a smile. The employees of the hotel should go the extra mile for the customers to make sure they are feeling euphoric. If we are able to provide smiles and go the extra mile, the customers will feel the warmth of the hotel and the chances of them coming back would increase. Integrity Our employees must have integrity so that we are able to establish trust with our guests. Hotel Maintenance: The customers needs and wants are to be satisfied. The maintenance service provider is to be on standby twenty four hours, ready to aid the customers if they request for it. This is to make sure that our customers do not have to wait a long period of time or wait till the next day till the maintenance service provider is available. By doing this, they provide maintenance all day. Hotel facilities: The hotel will also look into finding restaurants which are highly recommended by the foreigners to open a branch in the hotel. The hotel will also provide international food just in case some of the foreigners who are not used to the food in Singapore, they can always come back to the hotels restaurant to eat the food old in their country. Hotel Venue Security The security guards are also to be on patrol twenty four hours around the hotel and at the lobby. This is to prevent anyone from stirring trouble around the hotel or in the hotel. By having such arrangements, our hotel will become a popular choice to the foreigners for our top notch security. Employee Feedback There will be a meeting held every six months to help improve the quality of the hotel as well as employees benefits. During this meeting, employees are invited and allowed to voice out their feedbacks about their superiors and the benefits they want to improvement on. As for the employees benefit, all employees are given a twenty percent discount off the total bill when they dine in the hotel. The meals of the employees are also provided. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for those on morning shift, lunch and dinner will be provided for those on afternoon shift. The employees who work over-time will receive one and a half times the basic pay. Employee Procedure: All employees are to report to their immediate supervisors or managers for report updates and decision making. However, for key decisions which may affect the company greatly, the Chief Executive Officer will make the final decision. The Chief Executive Officer also has the right to change any decisions made by any supervisor and manager. For documents which need to be signed or approved, it will require at least two managers signature and stamp depending on the situation. This is to prevent any misleading by one manager or supervisor causing the company to make a wrong decision. At least with two signatures, two managers would have gone through the document and discussed to make sure there is no fault or attempt of fraud in it. Leadership In our company, each and every one of our employee is look upon as a leader. Leadership style: We would want to have leaders with the following characteristics Approachable Each employee is to be able to be approached easily and is able to lend a helping hand when others are in need. Hierarchy is not our main priority in our company. However, basic respect still has to be shown. We would like to ensure a friendly and conducive working environment for everyone. Influential Each manager should inspire their fellow colleague, subordinate and employees to do their best in everything that they do. We encourage motivation to spread around the working environment. Little deeds should be praised and recognised. This will contribute to a positive working experience for everyone. Forward-Looking Each employee should learn to be forward looking as this will eventually benefit the business in many ways. This does not only imply to the top managers but also all employees. Since we have a relatively flat hierarchy, this helps us to be able to obtain contribution from everyone. By being forward looking, we will be able to seize each and every opportunity that come and also, avoid any circumstances that could affect the profitability of our business. In addition, by being forward looking, we will also be able to stay ahead of our competitors such as Marina Bay Sands. Reward Power Our business is using the monetary incentives to manage our employees. This means that employees are given certain incentives for going beyond the call of duty. The best employee of each department each month will be rewarded with a free hotel stay of 3 days 2 nights. This also serves as a motivation for the employees to strive for their best while doing their work. Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership We would also like to adopt the Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership where the leadership style depends on the employees readiness. The leadership styles include telling, selling, participating and delegating. However, we are eventually aiming to use the leadership style of delegating where our employees are able and willing to do their job. This style involves a low task behavior and a low relationship behavior. However, to achieve this, we would use more of selling which involves both high task behavior and a high relationship behavior. This means that the employees are unable but willing or confident. We would then guide them to ensure they eventually will be able to do their job well. Controlling Our hotel would like to control the quality of service offered to the guests. We should provide our prestigious customers with the top-rated of service so that they will patronize our hotel again. In order to be top-rated, our hotel has scheduled the work time of the employees in such a way that there will be at least someone available to attend to the needs of the guests. Feedforward control Firstly, our hotel will provide our employees with training such as customer service course. This is to ensure that our employees are equipped with the necessary skills needed. Thus, our hotel is able to provide our guests with top-rated service for them to enjoy their stay in our hotel. In this case, we are applying Feedforward control. Concurrent control Our hotel can relate Concurrent control, by asking our guests for their valuable feedback during their stay. When our staffs get the chance to meet the guests, we could get their advices and improve from there by incorporating their advices. Feedback control Lastly, Feedback control is also useful to bring our hotel to a greater height. Before the guests leave our hotel, we can provide them with a feedback form and request them to rate our service. In addition, they may do this on our hotels website if they do not have the time to complete the feedback form. By getting their advices, we could then work on our weaknesses and progress from there. Our hotel also likes to control the facilities available in our company. We need to make sure that all of our facilities are in tip-top condition for our guests to use. According to Feed forward control, our hotel will conduct checks on the facilities every month to ensure that every equipment is in working order. Should we receive any complaints regarding the facilities by the guests, our hotel will send an engineer down to solve the problem immediately. If we are unable to do so immediately, we aim to complete the repairs by three days so that our guests are entitled to use the amenities. First-line managers can apply operational control by having debrief with their subordinates just before they end their work on a daily basis. They can also mention about the feedbacks and suggestions offered by the guests. Tactical control can be included by having meetings fortnightly. The meeting compromises of the middle managers and the first-line managers. During the meetings, they can come up with ways to promote our hotel or even adding in facilities to allow our hotel to soar. Lastly, strategic control is the most essential as it is a meeting where top; middle and first-line managers meet together. The middle and first-line managers can present their suggestions to the top managers. The top managers will then decide whether to implement their suggestions. In addition, they will review the number of customers patronizing our hotel and the revenue of our business. Also, the controlling process is constructive to assist our hotels success. Firstly, we establish our standards by ensuring every employee undergoes customer service training. Our hotel aims to attain a goal of $500000 revenue in the first six months of our operation. We can measure our performance by taking into consideration the number of guests staying in our hotel and revenue we earned in the first six months. Comparing our goals with our actual revenue, if we achieved our goal, we will continue with our training and execute other courses that are beneficial for our employees. On the other hand, if we did not attain our goal, we may resort at our publicity and upgrade in our services.
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